Wadia 381 vs. dcs Puccini vs. EmmLabs CDSA SE

Any thoughts about strength an weaknesses of these players ?

no problem.

i composed a long response which further defended my turf.....and then thought better of it and deleted it.

if you are ever in the Seattle area come over and hear what i mean.

Mike, I agree with you, vinyl still sounds better than digital, I don't you get a debate on that - although you never know on Agon :).
I think we all agree that vinyl sounds better than digital today. But, in the future IF digital sounds as good as analog, then this debate will be resurrected..... Amen.
Mike: the trouble is: in germany I do not know of any dealer for the MP Designs player. As you can see from my system I use a very high end turntable as well :-)