Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?

Just got back into analog after not having a turntable for 38 years. That was a Thorens TD 320. Now I have a VPI. Building a jazz album collection now since jazz seems to be what I enjoy now. I have barely 12 albums from Miles Davis, Art Blakey, King Curtis, Ray Charles, John Coltrane, Ike Quebec and Illinios Jacquet. Can you suggest a must have album? I generally like great sax, and percussion and sometimes a good vocalist, but I am open to anything that sounds GREAT. Also, if there is a particular label, issue or type of album. Thanks in advance.

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Which Miles and Coltrane recordings do you have and do you like them? If not, why not? Of the artists that you mention, Miles and Coltrane were the only ones who ventured outside of what can be called “mainstream”. This would help offer suggestions that you might like. There is so much great Jazz in various styles from different periods and so much that could be considered “must have” which isn’t necessarily well known, as demonstrated by @slf ‘s great list. Incredibly rich art form. Enjoy!

Here’s one that is not well known. Great sax like you like from the great Joe Henderson with percussion by the also great Elvin Jones who you may know from his work with Coltrane.


Frogman- again thanks for sharing those choices

I have only 1 album from Coltrane and 1 from Davis

Workin’ with the Miles Davis Quintet

Blue Train- The Complete Masters

And yes I like them both.

For some excellent Jazz guitar- grab

Herb Ellis, Joe Pass- Seven, Come Eleven. Recorded live.