Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?

Just got back into analog after not having a turntable for 38 years. That was a Thorens TD 320. Now I have a VPI. Building a jazz album collection now since jazz seems to be what I enjoy now. I have barely 12 albums from Miles Davis, Art Blakey, King Curtis, Ray Charles, John Coltrane, Ike Quebec and Illinios Jacquet. Can you suggest a must have album? I generally like great sax, and percussion and sometimes a good vocalist, but I am open to anything that sounds GREAT. Also, if there is a particular label, issue or type of album. Thanks in advance.

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If I could have but one, Oliver Nelson "The Blues and the Abstract Truth." If I could add a second, Ornette Coleman, "The Shape of Jazz to Come."

Another Bill Evans LP.  Great performance and great sound.

Bill Evans at the Montreux Jazz Festival

I've got about 2500 jazz albums. I would wager that more than 2000 of them could be classified as "great".

Zlone +1
also John Coltrane Ballads

miles Davis Kind of Blue and Bitches Brew

Jazz at the Pawnshop

Many of the ECM albums

Check out YouTube. There are many outstanding videos that cover your inquiry of essential jazz records. Listen to the suggestions and then purchase what you like.