I am sad

I am very sad. Feels like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

My amplifier is malfunctioning. It happens. Just fix it and move on what’s the big deal? Well I’m trying. I need the company of the amp to send me the invoice so I can buy the part and start the fixing. But they don’t reply to my e-mails. It’s been 3 weeks since the last communication. The amp has been broken for 2 months. I just need them to let me pay for the part. I don’t understand what’s so difficult. I’m sad.


I’m unfortunately married to the sound of this amp. For example a person married to the Mcintosh sound or the Pass labs sound. My speakers (Summit X) are amplifier picky. They love this amp. I check my email 20x a day hoping to see the invoice. I also check the junks. They had already said the part is available for $300. I’m not even sad anymore. I am depressed.


.....okay as per the OP, a person's perspective is purely subjective. Then why does the OP protest that he is right and the rest of us who have answered this thread are wrong or don't know the true meaning of ; '' perspective ''. I had noted in this thread that I had cancer a few years back and it was thankfully caught in the very early stages but it really made me think about my priorities in life. The things I used to worry about then seem soo trivial now. I still do not have my Accuphase DC 1000 transport back yet after over 2 months in repair. Years ago I would have been out of my mind really mad about the situation but now, I realize it is not fatal and I will not die from this . That my friends is Perspective to me !        

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 It seems you enjoy self-identifying as a victim.

That certainly reminds me of someone.