Anyone knows reputable places in Europe and Canada to buy NOS tubes from?

Buy by mail, of course. There must be some, and European tubes should still be plenty there. Mostly interested in Mullard but might try others too.


I only buy from Brent Jessee in the US, but I do know he ships to Canada and Europe. Best tube selection, great advice, and extremely knowledgeable

Yes, I know, I buy tubes from him as well. But he doesn't have everything, certainly not all the time, so I wanted to look around the world, at least Western world, to see what's available.


Along with those mentioned you can try these. It’s good to bounce around as some sellers focus more on specific types. Pay close attention to shipping costs as it can become quite costly. Have fun..

Billington Export UK-

DB Tubes-

Ask Jan First-

Tubes RS-


Retrostore EU-