K and K Audio RAKK dac

I'm looking for feedback from folks who have heard the RAKK dac. Kevin offers a world class phono stage, so I thought I'd inquire about his dac. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I recently bought the RAKK DAC Mk III with the Lundahl passive outputs. I took a chance because there is almost no feedback on this DAC. After 300 hours of break-in time I am totally blown away by how musical and real it sounds. I will post more detailed feedback on the K&K forum.
WOW, this is unbelievable. I was myself looking to start a thread on RAKK DAC.
I am also trying to read feedbacks about their latest incarnations but not much info is available about them. I was thinking of trying their best configuration DAC. I am upgrading from a Reimyo DAP777 dac so my benchmark is already high. Please share any info this DAC, it will be really helpful
I'm sure the RAKK DAC sounds great, but there aren't any reviews I'm aware of. Like Bottlehead and other small kit manufacturers, K&K seems to exist by word of mouth only. The best information you'll probably find is in their forums.

Unfortunately for K&K, the DAC market has exploded. There's a lot of competition right now with new products being announced every few months.

If you're mainly interested in DIY, check this out: "The Big" DIY DAC Websites.

Unfortunately for K&K, the DAC market has exploded.

While this is true, Kevin of K&K is extremely knowledgeable, and I am absolutely certain his designs are top-notch, especially considering the price-point. IMO, his designs are an amazing value for the audiophile community!

BTW, when was the last time you have auditioned the latest RAKK DAC in your own audio system?

Alex Peychev
Alex, I didn't mean to dismiss Kevin or K&K. All I'm saying is that he should be doing more to market his products. There's so much competition out there right now that it's easy to overlook great gear. I scoured the K&K forums a year ago when I was hunting for a new dac. There was virtually no info about the Mk III which is why I passed on it. Here we are a year later and there still isn't much. Do a Google search and see for yourself.

The Extreme RAKK DAC Kit costs $2000. In the absence of positive buzz, it's hard to convince someone to shell out that kind of money. It makes me wonder why Kevin doesn't put his gear in the hands of reviewers. Is that selling out? Are reviews dismissed on principle? I think most seasoned audiophiles take them with a grain of salt, but at least it gives us something to go on.

The success of the W4S DAC1 and DAC2 seemed to be fueled by last year's 6 Moons review. That might be an over-simplification, but I don't think it's too far from the truth. I realize it's not fair to compare a kit with a finished product, but Kevin usually offers an assembled version for an extra fee. Then again, maybe he doesn't want to change his operation into a larger scale production. Maybe he likes it small and intimate.