I googled 12BH7s and found interesting info about them. They have equal gain (mu) to 12AX7 but draw twice plate current and give off a lot of heat.
People who have used them in Jolida amps say they increase the soundstage and are more dynamic.
Also, Cary six-pac owners use them because they increase watt output and decrease distortion.
Like you I don't think I would use them because I'm not sure how the circuitry would respond to extra heat current.
Also because of their size they are microphonic, but that can be tamed by using a Herbie's Halo.
I googled 12BH7s and found interesting info about them. They have equal gain (mu) to 12AX7 but draw twice plate current and give off a lot of heat.
People who have used them in Jolida amps say they increase the soundstage and are more dynamic.
Also, Cary six-pac owners use them because they increase watt output and decrease distortion.
Like you I don't think I would use them because I'm not sure how the circuitry would respond to extra heat current.
Also because of their size they are microphonic, but that can be tamed by using a Herbie's Halo.