Sorry, a question about the Sony SCDXA5400ES.

Here it is: I'm looking for a new cd player, only redbook, no sacd needed. My budget is a max of $1500, new or used. So who has heard this thing? Who can say (who actually HEARD it) that it will better most, if not all other players in my price range? Is the hype so? Does it currently make boutique brands obsolete(in the lower price range)?
Does the Sony SCDXA5400ES have a variable output with volume control so that you could go directly into a power amp and bypass a preamp altogether?

I see that it has a volume control for the headphone jack, but do not know if it controls a variable output?

If it does, how many volts out is it capable of?

Thank you.
Sony is out of the 5400ES. I just got mine on Monday from a internet source and have left it on to burn in.I plan on doing a A to B test in a few days with the Sony vs. my Theta Miles. So far it sounds pretty good. Will report back.
I have the Sony 5400ES. I also own a McIntosh player and have owned the Ayre and Arcam players as well. I can tell you the Sony is easily the best of the bunch. I'm talking about significant improvements in sound quality and function over the other players. I am also referring to Redbook performance. On SACD the Sony is phenomenal. I highly recommend this unit. My best purchase in a long, long time.