Is anyone with an MSB Dac using an outboard clock?

Are any MSB DAC users set up with an external clock? If so,
what improvements have you heard? Which clocks work best?

Thanks for your imput. Cheers all!
Hi, I asked MSB about trying a outboard clock with my Power Dac and I was told that it probably would not benefit me at all. The unit uses a TCXO 2.5ppm which is really good and it buffers 1/2 second of the signal which reduce jitter quite a bit as it is clocked out by the internal clocks. If you were in a recording studio with many different digital pieces in the chain I could see the need for a single clock source. I looked at a $6k pro clock and was told it would not be as good because the 10MHZ master clock and the synthesized low speed clocks it generates. Just my 2 cents worth.

What really makes a change with the MSB gear is ChannlD's Pure Music or Pure Vinyl software (if you run an Apple as your source).

I am using a CD player with the X-Port out option to feed the Power DAC. I do play to look into a music server but have spent my budget elsewhere this year.
Cool! I'm just now seeing this :( sorry. I am feeding my PowerDac with the new Diverter HR from my Mac mini and the sound is incredible!!!!!