MSB DAC IV or dCS Paganini

I've recently auditioned the MSB DAC DAC IV signature and found it pretty amazing in its analog and musical presentation, which was clearly superior to my dCS Puccini. I'm wondering if some of you have compared the more expensive dCS set, the paganini to MSB DAC IV.

I have purchased MSB DIAMOND IV DAC +Transport late 2011 and replaced my MPS-5 with it... ! it is simply amazing! . Especially when listening to the piano and violins,, it will give you goose bumps !

If money is not in the equation , I will truly recommend this DAC to any of my friends and audiophiles.

It is that good ! ,, you have to really hear it to believe it ( but one thing I did notice is that you really need a good preamp as well to really show the quality of the MSB,,,,
Jacksonkuo - which MSB transport did you get - the Data CD IV or the UMT? Also, did you get the optional clock module for the Diamond Dac?

Babybear - I am using the DATA CD IV , and honestly it sounds just amazing, I tried oppo 93 as transport on it and even EmmLabs as transport on it , and the difference was day & night,,, DATA CD IV was holographic and airy ,, the other transport for some reason , the image is flat... they still sound great , but just very very different from DATA CD IV. I would highly recommend the DATA IV.

Also I did get to try to Volume Control Board on my MSB DIAMOND DAC, I have to say ,,, it will outperform almost any PREAMP out there unless you are using FM Acoustics ,,, The volume control gave a super clean , detailed sound,, the best way to describe is like as if you were having shower with a small shower head & low water pressure in MOTEL6 , with the MSB Volume Control Board , it is like have a shower a presidential suite , where the water flow is strong ! the music just floats ! ,,,

By the way I also got the FEMTO Clock.. and I hate to say it,, but don't listen to it unless you have the intention to buy it ... it is a BAD ASS TOY ! ,,, its amazing! simply amazing... ! !

Hi Jackson,

Thanks for the detailed answers.

I agree with you in that I have since purchased the Data CD IV and have it paired with the new Signature Transport power base and also have the Diamond DAC IV with the optional clock module and Diamond power base. I am also using the Pro I2s interface to connect them together.

I also tried the Diamond Dac with its optional volume control and again I would agree with you that unless you have a very top end preamp, the volume control on the Diamond Dac is really, really good and hard to beat. For me it was a very pure sound without any colorations from a preamp.
