Yes, I was a little perplexed by the responses too. The question concerned the Perfect Wave DAC vs. the Bryston, vs. the Wyred4Sound, not the older (and now discontinued) PS Audio DAC III. Since I've not heard any of the other DACs referred to except the PWD I would not even hazard a guess as to which sounds better. I will stand on my own experiences and state that I really find the PWD to have exceptional sound compared to others I've heard in my system. I'm not saying it is a contender for SOTA, (though it very well could be). I suspect that the Bryston and Wyred4Sound are good DACs, maybe even great via the reputation and the press they are getting.
Let's keep the topic of the postee in mind.
I would read all the info about the DACs you are interested in considering your needs now and in the future and the DACS flexibllity. Then either arrange to audition them in your system via a company like Music Direct, or purchase used pieces on Audiogon, listen to their merits and then sell the ones that didn't cut the mustard in your system. Sound tedious, yes, but worth all the trouble in the end.
Of course, if someone has compared the actual pieces of equipment you are intersted in their system, and you feel their opinions are legitimate, this can also be helpful in making your decision.
Hope this helps.