Audiophile LOD Cable for iPod

Apart from investing in Wadia's iPod transport, does anyone know of a quality cable that goes from the LOD or an Apple dock itself to XLR? Is this even a viable prospect?
Get a Naim DAC - it reads the digital out from the iPod. The DAC itself is wonderful & has been getting good reviews.
I would agree with the recommendations for the Wadia 170i. However, I would also recommend an outboard DAC as well. I have been using the 170i run through a Monarchy DIP Classic to a Cambridge DacMagic with great results at a budget price.
whatever dac you like/enjoy will take the ipod to another level entirely. ditching the ipod's dac is what it's all about. i'm getting incredible results with my psa pwd. good/well matched digi cable also helped as did upgrading the pc for the 170i.

kennyt: is the krell KiD ipod hook-up/connection similar to the one used in the krell s-300i?. i had the s-300i for a while and its ipod hook-up was good.....much better then a standard docking station. but not nearly as good as what i'm getting with the 170i.

I can second Docmark's comment about the Naim DAC. Excellent DAC that works extremely well with the iPod.
I found an Iport FS2 on ebay for less than 50 bucks, I later bought a remote for less than $20. You will need a separate DAC to run it through your system (I may be wrong, but I think all these Ipod docks need one). I had an MSB Link II sitting unused in my 'spares' closet and it's been a match made in heaven, sounds great! Out of curiosity I just chkd Ebay and there's one for sale, new, that includes the remote for $100! I can tell you from experience that running my Ipod, without the port & DAC, directly into my system resulted in sound like Ka-ka!