12-04-10: Bombaywalla
wrong! every 6dB (i.e. every 12 steps) is halving of the voltage amplitude. You correctly wrote that the digital amp works in the voltage domain & not the power domain but you did not understand that concept fully.
actually, you are incorrect. the basic decibel measurement is computed as follows:
where q1 and q2 are quantities that are being measured
(ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel).
[wikipedia is not a peer-reviewed reference so you always have to view statements there with some degree of caution, so feel free to challenge this statement if you have a better reference - i just don't feel like digging through my own books since the wikipedia equation matches my own knowledge on the subject]
as it turns out, power is proportion to voltage**2. so when the quantities being measured are power levels, and since power is a function of voltage, the equation for power can also be represented as a ratio of voltages:
[i am assuming equal resistance values for simplicity]
however, because of the way that logarithms work, you can also express this equation:
this is the equation that you presented - i'm just trying to explain to you how the equation was derived. so, a 3dB reduction in voltage corresponds to a 6dB reduction in power.
you will notice that the wadia white paper refers to *volume* output. volume output is a power domain concept. so the wadia white paper on digital volume control indicates that you start to lose significant (i.e. non-interpolation bits) when the digital attenuation causes a 36dB reduction in *volume* output.
i took a look at the wadia manual, and i think that there is an error in the manual. the manual states that there is a 0.5dB change in *volume* for each step in the digital volume control. from my calculations, and the wadia white paper on digital volume control, it appears that there is actually a 1dB change in volume for each step in the digital volume control.