audio research dac 3 vs m-f trivista 21

i know this is exotic product but does anyone have the chance to audition both dac and conclude which one is the better. Unfortunately i must make choice wihtout listening.
I have mac integrated amp whit canton speaker.
I have had both and infact a few months ago, the ARC Dac 7 and the Trivista DAC side by side along with the Bryston DAC..
I never wanted to compromise detail for any thing in the chain. The ARC is a wonderful product but after several a long listen in various systems, I ended up buying another Trivista DAC.
I have 2 of these DAC’s now running as my main source of digital, a simple description would be a “Balanced” delivery when it comes to digital. Its just about right in every element involved the reproduction music. Built like a tank and it is smoother sounding that the current Bryston DAC which I was very impressed with as well.
I own a Trivista DAC as well paired up with a CEC 1. Great sound. Just for giggles I am getting a Sony XA-5400ES modright modded cd player to compare.
i owned a Trivista 21 and liked it quite a bit. i agree with the descriptors here - balanced and smooth. another of it's strengths is the HUGE soundstage it throws. ultimately i replaced it with a Wyred 4 Sound DAC, which i preferred.