Bel Canto DAC3 or Cambridge Audio 840C?

Which is "better" as an outboard DAC? I love the fact that I'd be getting a CD player out of the 840C as well, but I listen to FLAC files from my file server a lot more.

I like a sound that is smooth, but detailed, on the warm side. Airy, liquid vocals are first priority. Classe, Bel Canto, Conrad Johnson tube pre-amps, newer Sonus Faber are my cup of tea, to give y'all an idea. I have an Audio Experience Symphonies Plus-R tube pre, Bel Canto S300, and Usher BE-718 speakers.
I haven't heard the Cambridge or the Bel Canto but if you like a smooth but detailed sound you should also consider the Tdac, it has a very analog sound with an extremely clean presentation and can be had for less than either the Bel Canto or the Cambridge
Thanks Meman, this is very interesting. Seems like a winner from what I'm reading. OK I'm taking TDAC into consideration now. I'd really like to hear from somebody who has experience with TDAC and Bel Canto DAC-3. I have read reports of TDAC outshining Benchmark by a considerable margin, which is impressive.
Being a Bel Canto dealer and an Usher dealer and also being a former Cambridge dealer, I feel quite confident in the pairing of your equipment with the Bel Canto DAC3. The bonus, with the DAC3 is that you can simplify your system if you have all digital sources by getting rid of the preamp and having the DAC3 drive the amp directly. But, you could easily try it through your preamp or driving the amp directly to see what you prefer. I was just visiting a friend/customer of mine last night that has the DAC3 from me with the M300 monos and BE-718's and it is a very nice combination. The Cambridge 840C is very nice for the money, but it's not in the league of the DAC3, IMHO. According to your sonic preferences, the DAC3 is a better match for you than the 840C.