Yeah, that room size is a challenge even for the Maggie MMGs. Someone
suggested the Silverline Prelude. For classical, especially orchestral, how 'bout
upgrading to the Prelude Plus. It's the same physical size with twice the number
of mid/woofers, which should lower inertial artifacts (overshoot & ringing) and
increase dynamic range a particularly good thing for clarity and dynamics in
classical music.
Plus you get the outriggers and real wood veneer, all within your budget.
suggested the Silverline Prelude. For classical, especially orchestral, how 'bout
upgrading to the Prelude Plus. It's the same physical size with twice the number
of mid/woofers, which should lower inertial artifacts (overshoot & ringing) and
increase dynamic range a particularly good thing for clarity and dynamics in
classical music.
Plus you get the outriggers and real wood veneer, all within your budget.