Describe ube sound vs solid state

What are the charesterics in comparing each of these?
I see, I need to look into this, amazon did not reveal the actual dealer you bought from?
I bought Gold Lion 12AX7 reissues from "thetubestore" with matched
and balanced sections for a fraction of whatever dealers want for exotica like the
Mullard 10ms, and they are simply great sounding 12AX7s for my tastes
anyway...I like NOS Mullards of course, and have a pair 6201s on their way from
Upscale as I was smitten by their price and gold pins (my trusty 4024s are still
fine and will be given a rest). I think that the success of New Sensor with their
KT120s and 150s, Gold Lion reissues, "Mullards," (my Burriss class A
guitar amp uses, as stock, Mullard reissue 12AX7s as the designer loves those
things), and other stuff is an interesting success story and unique in tube-
ville...I've never had one blow up (yet) and considering the volume of stuff they
crank out they seem to be making some great AFFORDABLE glass items, and I
hope they continue.
So are you currently using the Mullard 10M tubes or not Keith?

While I have not specifically heard the 10M, I have owned and still do own quite a few Mullard tubes. Very sweet and musical, but not resolving enough for me. They may work better with more resolving equipment. I prefer the Amperex Bugle Boy pinched waist 12AX7's. To each their own though. Cheers.