original decco from peachtree?

does the dac in the original decco , is it the sameas nova dac?
have you heard the difference in the two? if any, thanks for a description.....
I've owned both the decco and Nova at different times. The Nova has more inputs and can accept up to 24/96 material. I didn't notice much difference in the amps in each unit despite the power ratings.

The Nova was more more versatile with the extra inputs and preouts, but both sounded good. IF you don't have any 24/96 material than the Decco might be all you need.
I have a Decco and borrowed a friend's Nova. Tried 'em both in my office system as a preamp/DAC and using a tube amp. I couldn't tell the difference between the two with Redbook CD material I had burned to my laptop in AL format. My impression was that the amp section of the Nova was a very little bit better than the Decco, but it's a small difference if any. I kept the Decco and happily use it in my office system to this day.
thanks for the info..i really appreciate it.....local mouth means more than media ....thanks