Logitech Touch vs Duet

I'm very interested in getting a Logitech streaming device fed into an external DAC. Questions however to those that have used either but preferably both:

1. Has one device been more reliable then the other? I've read through a lot of the virtual systems and many users cite "great when it works" referring to the Duet.

2. Other then 'touch' commands are there any advantages from one or the other? The Touch is newer but also cheaper then the Duet at least where I live.

3. Is there anything annoying about the Touch i.e size, interface, drop-outs?

Any advice or comments would be most welcome.

For a slightly different take, I have several Slimdevices. I currently have a Touch, a SB3 and a Radio. I owned a Duet (and still have the Controller and use it with the other players). I also auditioned a Transporter some years back. (The reason the Transporter is going out of production is the display modules used are no longer made.)

I've not had any particular connectivity issues with any of the devices. Early on the Duet firmware was a bit flakey but subsequent versions solved those issues for me.

The Touch has had some growing pains as they've fine tuned the firmware but the Touch is a more complex device with its internal server than their earlier models.

I did not buy the Touch for either the display or the touch screen capability. I bought it because the sound quality is so good that I was able to sell my external DAC (a Lavry DA-10). I moved my SB3 to my second system, sold the Duet Receiver, and use the Touch in my main system. I've been very pleased the the results.

The one item I can't comment on is the use of the Touch as a stand-alone server. Out of curiosity I experimented with that right after I received the Touch and had problems scanning the drive. However, my original intention was to continue using my external Linux server so haven't since bothered to try the USB drive directly to the Touch even though we're a couple of firmware updates down the road.

I'd recommend the Touch. There are some apps for wireless handhelds that make for a sophisticated remote if you want something fancier than the included Touch remote and don't want to buy a Duet Controller by itself.
Another advantage not yet mentioned is that the Touch will decode 24/96 files. This is the reason I waited for the Touch to be released. I've only had it for a week but playing music from a USB thumb drive works fine. I don't have a USB hard drive so I can't try that. Sound quality is pretty darn good - even Pandora and Slacker at 128k!

Of course you could also get a Sonos system and save yourself a lot of grief.

Just curious - from what grief would I be saving myself?
I love my Touch.I never thought PC audio could sound so good!
Also, to be able to create playlists and have my music at my fingertips with very little (if any) loss is sound quality. I am using Apple lossless.
The entire hook up cost $265 for the Touch and $99 for 1 TB External drive. I also bought an extra Hard drive for back up.

It sounds pretty close to my Cary 306 SACD.
But,I am using a very good digital cable and it is plugged into the Cary's Digital inputs and played through the rest of my stereo components.