Hello to all I would like to make a correction the tubes
on the player end are 6sn7 Sylvania yellow label chrome domes , and Mullard steel ring 5ar4 for the power supply
which is over 10 lbs for those who would like to know specifics, also the tone of this cd player is excellent .
MY buudy has a $5k Ayon that has won a few awards
and it is not even close Dan hit this one out of the park
I have no disire to have a turntable when my player gives all the body and tonality I have been missing with my
Accustic arts 2 transport and dac that was over $13k
my Modwright Sony 5400 beats in every dept as all that have come over can attest to and it still have at least another 100 hours to finish refining.As they say what's under the hood that counts most. ONce my New amplifier comes in I would be happy to have audiophiles from the N.E
come over to hear it - Next month.
I just ordered the New KWA 100 SE amplifier and this should truly help add to the mix.
on the player end are 6sn7 Sylvania yellow label chrome domes , and Mullard steel ring 5ar4 for the power supply
which is over 10 lbs for those who would like to know specifics, also the tone of this cd player is excellent .
MY buudy has a $5k Ayon that has won a few awards
and it is not even close Dan hit this one out of the park
I have no disire to have a turntable when my player gives all the body and tonality I have been missing with my
Accustic arts 2 transport and dac that was over $13k
my Modwright Sony 5400 beats in every dept as all that have come over can attest to and it still have at least another 100 hours to finish refining.As they say what's under the hood that counts most. ONce my New amplifier comes in I would be happy to have audiophiles from the N.E
come over to hear it - Next month.
I just ordered the New KWA 100 SE amplifier and this should truly help add to the mix.