Best CD Player HDCD under $1000US

What would you recommend for a new CD player with HDCD support for under $1000?
I don't want to use this space to sell something, but by Monday I am going to place an ad here on the Gon, selling a great HDCD player. I am going to sell my Classe CDP-10.
You can find some articles on the web about it.
Check it out. You might be interested in mine or one in the future.
Yes, how about the Oppo BD 83 SE. Amazing value, and it does so much more than HDCD!
I had a NAD C542. The redbook play back was OK. However, the HDCD playback was almost holographic. I had a pricey Arcam DV-137 with HDCD playback and the NAD sounded far better (HDCD only though).
Definitely the Oppo (but note, it's the BDP-83 SE). An absolutely outstanding machine.
Keep in mind that HDCD filter used on many players does not produce the full potential of redbook CD. On such players HDCD will sound much superior to redbook CD in comparison. Ideally the player could use different digital filters for HDCD encoded CD and standard redbook CD to maximize the sound playback for both formats, but very few players do.