Describe ube sound vs solid state

What are the charesterics in comparing each of these?
I run sound for live jazz shows (recently Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniolo...check out THOSE guys) and am often baffled by any discussion regarding "live vs. recorded" sound. I have a piano in my hifi room...have played music professionally for 45 years or something, and have a stupid (!) amount of experience in this area. The following is true: Live sound quality is venue specific, you better be sitting real close if musicians are unamplified, and if it is amplified and you don't like the sound, it could be my fault. Clearly there are things making great sounding live sound events valuable, like YOU'RE THERE at an event, musicians might getting paid something (in the case of the shows I do, paid very well) which is rare these days, and it might be fun. If these things don't appeal to you, stay home. I think a great hifi is exactly that, and clearly recorded, mixed, and produced things are fun although not live, and so what? I just bought a new LP of Beggars Banquet at Barnes and Noble (new thing...vinyl at B&N!) explanation of why I have always loved this album, but I do, and the Stones NEVER sounded like this LP on clear vinyl for 23 bucks that sounds great...what's not to like?
Geoff, you may have missed Atmasphere's second from last post. I just wish he would name names. Just to add a bit of insight, I think solid state's main disadvantage is that to realize it's full potential, you have to listen to it at max output. IOW, attenuate via output power.
Wolfgarcia, I have done sound for Frank Vagnola on two occasions, when he has performed at the venue where I am the sound and recording engineer. For His live cd releases with Bucky, I was the recording engineer "live standards". I was flattered that they released it and feel lucky that Bucky actually did the painting for the cover art. It was nice to be tied together with such excellent performers for the remainder of history.

If you haven't given that cd a listen, you should. I think you would enjoy it. I would like to get them to release the high Rez version of it, as well as a vinyl.

Sorry for the high jack, but it is a small world.

HA...I didn't really know much about these guys before booking the gig, and I really enjoyed 'em...small world indeed.