The CD player is dead.......

I am still waiting for someone to explain why a cd player is superior to storing music on a hard drive and going to a dac. Probably because you all know it's not.

Every cd player has a dac. I'll repeat that. Every cd player has a dac. So if you can store the ones and zeros on a hard drive and use error correction JUST ONCE and then go to a high end dac, isn't that better than relying on a cd player's "on the fly" jitter correction every time you play a song? Not to mention the convenience of having hundreds of albums at your fingertips via an itouch remote.

If cd player sales drop, then will cd sales drop as well, making less music available to rip to a hard drive?
Maybe, but there's the internet to give us all the selection we've been missing. Has anyone been in a Barnes and Noble or Borders lately? The music section has shown shrinkage worse than George Costanza! This is an obvious sign of things to come.....

People still embracing cd players are the "comb over" equivalent of bald men. They're trying to hold on to something that isn't there and they know will ultimately vanish one day.

I say sell your cd players and embrace the future of things to come. Don't do the digital "comb over".
There you go! I got a yawn. I knew the point was obvious, I just didn't know it was THAT obvious. Now see what you guys have done, you have forced me to make a completely redundant arguement over something that was completely obvious to everyone. Gee, lose if I have a point, lose if I pretend that I don't have a point (again, your rules). You know changing the Rules when you have run out of arguement is really starting to bore the living Hell out of me! Now you are boring the living Hell out of poor Audiofeil. Hey pal, talk to the people who are conceitedly making up the Rules as they go along, ITS NOT ME! I am just trying to play the game according to their Rules, not my fault if its not conveniently working out to their advantage. Around and around we go, I'm just following their lead!
O.K.-its back to pretending that I DON'T have a point. I do what I do because I can, and because it amuses me! After so many years of trying, you guys still haven't been able to get rid of the CD, which STILL amuses me to no end! How many more years of trying (yawwwwwnnn!), are we going to have to wait? I will try to hold back my anxious anticipation. You continue beating your head against a wall, meanwhile I'm popping in another CD. You guys wont mind, will you? I know you guys have some real exercises in futility to contend with for the next-what-decade? So facinating to watch the struggle, no wonder you guys have such a short fuse! It must be really fustrating! You can't always get what you wa-ant, you can't always get what you wa-ant! You guys are probably way to obsessed to get what you need! For some reason, I am no longer afraid of you guys succeeding, concidering your track record so far! Why am I NOT suprised? Didn't get rid of the CD yet, huh! Check this out, this is my suprise look,...WWWHHHAAAT!
>08-12-10: Pettyofficer
! Now you are boring the living Hell out of poor Audiofeil<<


You are boring the living Hell out of poor Audiofeil.

No problem. Stick around, I'm going to push a few more buttons. There are some real Firecrackers on this thread with some real short fuses. Who could be bored watching KRAKATOA happening all over again! Your gonna miss the Fireworks! Of course if that sort of thing bores you, maybe you need to ask your phsyciatrist to up your medication. Hate to see a Manic Depressant miss the whole World as it goes by! Geez...doesn't ANYTHING excite you anymore Audiofeil, sounds like a personnal problem, can't help you!
You are boring the living Hell out of poor Audiofeil. Now, you are boring the living Hell out of poor Audiofeil, tomatoe/tom-a-toe, just a technicality! POOR AUDIOFEIL, he must be one really poor slob though!