Wyred 4 Sound DAC1 or DAC2?

Hello everyone,

I am faced with this question at this very moment. Which of these two to choose?
I have just sold my Cullen Stage IV PS Audio DL3. I liked the unit a lot and thought I won't be letting it go…
I sounded so "right". I had a Benchmark (the non-USB version) before it and for me, the PS Audio was way better.
The same level of detail, if not more, as the Benchmark, but with a less forward presentation and a way stronger and tighter bass.
The highs of the Benchmark, while not harsh at all, were too much in my face and I couldn't stand that.
Also, the preamp function of the Benchmark was a big let-down. Each time I tried it I returned to my Musical Fidelity A3CR preamp.
By no means the preamp in the Benchmark sounded good to me when compared with the MF.
And this is what makes me so undecided now.
Is the preamp section of the W4S DAC2 better than my MF? Is the digital domain volume control a good and transparent thing?
Are there any differences between DAC1 and DAC2 besides the asynchronous USB and digital volume control?
In short, should I buy the DAC1 and keep my MF preamp or should I buy the DAC2 and go directly into the MF A3CR power amp, and maybe upgrade to a balanced amp later on?
My preamp is currently for sale, but I'm doing that half-heartedly, for it sounds very-very good to me and only the fact that I have only one source and don't used any other inputs make me look at it as overkill.
What do you think?
Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much.
I know that this is off topic, for it doesn't concern the differences between DAC-1 and DAC-2, but I feel compelled to write about the DAC-2 and don't want to start a new thread.
Maybe this will help someone.
As it breaks-in, DAC-2 improves a lot, but the process doesn't seem to be on a constant way up! About a week after first hooking it up and not too long after posting my first impressions it started to sound a (significant) bit off. It was bright and the bass seemed to had been taking some days off. I even thought that I jumped the gun and got prematurely exited. But, thankfully, that was not the case. That was only a "break-in transition phase". The goods came back in a relativejy short while and now this DAC is the best I've ever heard by a country mile!
My humble advice: Give it the full 200 hours W4S recommends. It's not marketing BS meant to discourage returns within the 30 days trial period as many might think (and I was one of them). It's a fact, at least in my case it was.
I have ordered the Wyred 4 Sound DAC2 a few weeks ago. I am selling it right now.

You can have better for.. Half the price! I run cds through a CDR-882 from HHB. An entry level cd player. (It cost me about 700$ brand new). I have connected it with the W4S DAC2 via toslink (coaxial is an horror on this Dac)and it just gave me no improvement at all. No more. No less..

I could just have the same sound for 1 500$ more!

The problem is that the company doesn't accept any trial and they didn't pay back if you are not satisfied..

So best bang for the buk.. Not so sure.. Maybe for a 100$ cd player..
Yerude1 did you turn the dac on? Ive had many many dacs from bel cantos to Musiland I have heard many name brand dacs and Ive made my own dacs and modded many as well and I have to say for the money the dac 1 or 2 is the best dac Ive heard in a long time. To best it you would need to add a zero to the price tag.This is the only dac to uproot my personaly built dac with all discrete output and a massive power supply but it is apparent that wyred 4 sound is better at the digital domain than I am or ever will be.
My digital front end journey was not as long or high-end as others'.
Music Hall MMF CD25, then opamp upgrades to the CD player, then Music Hall Maverick, then Benchmark DAC1, then PS Audio DLII with stage IV Cullen mods and now W4S DAC2.
I've had better sound every step of the upgrade path and the DAC2 is, especially now, as it's broken in, by far the best in the relatively modest line-up I mentioned.
So much-much better...
I'm very curious to figure out how could someone come to the conclusion Yerude1 came to as well.