Analog to Digital

I have an analog rig with a LOMC, phono stage, and a Jungson JA-88D integrated. I would like to record from my system to a hard drive (currently iMac with 10.6.4 Snow Leopard). I don't necessarily want to store this on a Mac. A simple file server (netbook?) would be ideal.

I have a VPI TNT jr and would like to retain the audiophile sound quality. What type of ADC and software would I need.

I have read a bit about the Apogee Rosetta 200. Is this a high quality unit or do you recommend others? Could I also use an Esoteric d-05? I don't have one. However, I could acquire and use it for playback and possibly record(?).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Download the software Spin it Again. I drop the cartridge on the album, feed it through my phono stage on my preamp, out through my main out into my computer click record then burn it on to a disc. You'll be amazed how easy and the quality you get.
Hi RJA, I searched on AG for reviews on the Furutech GT40 and didn't find any reviews. Can you provide any insight or experiences with the device? I also checked the prices on the Altmann Creation ADC. This is a bit pricey at 1750 EUR.
The Rosetta 200 with FireWire card is what I would get if I could. Right now I'm using a M-Audio Audiophile USB. Great for the money but if the difference between its ADC section and the Rosetta's is the same as the difference between its DAC and my Apogee Mini-DAC... well then, I want a Rosetta.