best used inexpensive cd only player

my ex wife got the mac 2275, b&w's, krell even though she wouldn't even know how to turn it on much less bias the tubes.

i am trying to construct an inexpensive system to hold me over for now. i got the cayin sp 10 and loaded it with sed winged c's, tung sol, and jj's. i got the hsu bookshelves and subwoofer, some canare speaker cable. now all i need is something inexpensive to play cd's....less than $500. i am finding quite a bit of NAD5xxBEE, Rotel, Cambridge, Adcom preowned. does anyone have a stong feeling as to which of these would be the best sounding, quality, and fit with my system or any other suggestions?
Why CD only? I believe you are really limiting some good budget choices by excluding universal players.
If you have room for a top loader I see a Rega Planet 2000 for 350.00 listed. Veryy good sounding player I had one for about a year or so and it also makes a great transport should you decided to use an DAC later. Save the 150.00 and
buy some cables or new cd's. Also as Arni mentioned there are a few universal players I saw denon 3910 that makes a great player as well. The adcom is a good player but I bought the Planet when I heard the two in a AB comp.
I don't know about any specific models, but I'd be leery of used CD players.
Sometimes parts / fix are problematic, even on some pretty $$$ players.
A poor man is what many divorced men become. However, there is hope in a Sony 595 often available from SonyStyle as a refurb for $60, shipped. Hey if you don't like it they come get it for free with credit for the full price paid including shipping. Don't be fooled, it is better then some $1,000 players.
I agree about the Music Halls, which are rebadged or BTO Shanlings. So add Shanling to your list. At their different price points their models were the ones to beat for years. I've owned three.

Another one to look for is the Hong Kong-based JAS Audio player. The company is better known for speakers and amps but they make one tubed CD player. I own one of these.

An alternative approach is what Arni suggests. A used Oppo would cost around a C-note and that leaves some over for a DAC (maybe a Valab) and a cable. A cable 1.5m in length, of course. Joe Mazzaglia makes a good inexpensive one.

Enjoy your new system!