The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Wilson X2 alexandria, bar none (heard with spectral electronics and emm front end...and I am a vinylophile). Before that it was the somewhat obscure Platinum Audio Air Pulse.
kkbt61, have you also heard the JBL Paragon? Two "experts" have told me it is superior to the K2s.
The "Best of Anything" exists ONLY in the listeners mind. This is an unobtainable goal that is never reached. It remains as a virtual imaginary ultimate conception that we only approach a little at a time, it is utilised as a mental referance point for mental comparisons only. That said, I concur that the Hill Plasmatronics is the only "Jaw Dropping" suspension of disbelief "better than reality" enthralling, compelling and now completely unobtainable (less than 100 made) sound reproducerI have heard. Second to this is the back seat speaker from a 1955 Cadillac. 99.9999999% of all speakers are an insult to my ears.
Mint604...ever heard of the Bozak B313 circa.1962. My brother still has them and I must say, they are more musical than most current production speakers. Having been through the mill, I currently enjoy Totem Winds...Totem seems to grasp the essence of music more so then my Watt/Puppy 6's or B&W 801N's did.
Dav_B: I have a pair of these Bozaks in my living room. These do sound better than anything current, BUT they are only 85db/1watt. I think that you have hit on something important. The YEAR 1962 may be the dividing line , ANY speaker prior to this year had a great, real , full and beautiful sound. 1962 marked the end of an era(lasting 50 years) that was the GOLDEN AGE of speakers. Nearly 100% of speakers after 1962 sounded thin, distorted and not worth listening to. This could be that in 1962 the Alnico magnets and field coils were becoming extinct as well as the art of speaker making. Can anyone tell me how a speaker can be designed on a computer that will sound good to a human ear?