The Emotiva XDA-1

Anyone heard about this up-and-coming unit from Emotiva?
If anybody has opinions, please share. Ship date is supposedly Nov 30, 2010. Looks like a Decco killer.
Hi Realremo

I don't know if you saw Emotiva's forum but there is a Preamp/DAC section where there are lots of discussions about the XDA-1.


My guess about how it will sound is that it will sound like the Emotiva ERC-1 CDP. Which a lot of people say good things about.

The e-mail I got from Emotiva said they are taking pre-orders on it now & it will ship on 12-1-2010.
agree with buconero that it looks like alot of product for small $$$; though i think peachtree decco/nova, which includes a power amp, still have the edge--they're more all-inclusive portable devices which everyone (except hard-core old guys like us) seem to crave. my kudos to emotiva--they have a very smart business model, which enables them to deliver good stuff at low prices.
I think the XDA-1's remote beats the pants right off the Decco's remote, if that means anything to anyone (it does to me). I also found this webpage:
It shows some correspondence with "Lonnie," an Emotiva guy, who reveals some of the design topology and process, some pictures, etc. Interesting read.
I have signed up for the opportunity to purchase one. If I get my hands on one I will try running USB audio into it from my Alienware XP 64-bit laptop and report what I hear.
You know, the one thing it really is missing are some fixed outputs, so you could upgrade to a really nice pre-amp. Like maybe this McCormack...:$995-
Is there no way to simple use the XDA-1 just as a DAC?
But at the price, and considering Emotiva's in-home trial, its too tempting to resist for me. Its a shame there is no upgrade path tho.