The Emotiva XDA-1

Anyone heard about this up-and-coming unit from Emotiva?
If anybody has opinions, please share. Ship date is supposedly Nov 30, 2010. Looks like a Decco killer.
It is a variable output DAC. For those that want to use it as a DAC only, leave it at the default "80" setting, which is full output.
I have been using the XDA-1 directly into my Bryston 4Bsst with excellent results.
First impressions are: extreme clairity and excellent dynamics, both micro and macro
Longer term listening opens it up considerably, top to bottom.
Feeding it with my OPPO 83 via s/pdif coax, sounds better to me than OPPO's dac. Speakers are B&W802D's FWIW .
I agree with Highendool! I am running it directly into my XPA-2 and it sounds just fantastic. After the first two days
of owning it, I thought it was the worst Dac/Pre I ever heard
and had my return number issued and was ready to send it back. And after a few day's it started to sound better, and now a few weeks later it sounds superb! Glad I gave it some time, it is a great piece, and a steal at it's price. My last DAC was a Dac Magic and I like this better.
Have had the XDA-1 for less than a week. My Sony DVD feeds it via Tosklink cable and the DAC runs via RCA connectors into my DIY Hypex ST180 Amp running into my DIY SEAS 2-way monitors. For a $249 unit I am very impressed by the sound quality. I will try with balanced conncections when I get cables next week. Emotiva on their website indicates that the XDA-1 volume control is digital, and thus is not lossless, so anything less than full volume results in the lose of some bits and one must presume some musical detail. I cannot get close to 80 withouth blowing my walls out from a volume perspective, but at about 65 on the volume meter. it sounds pretty damn good. Eventually I will have a Pass DIY B1 Buffer/preamp and run the Emotiva at full output. For $249 (got mine never used from a gent on Ebay for $200) the Emotiva clearly demonstrates how far digital has come in recent years and how much you now can get for your money. Doubt you can find a better deal than the Emotiva for 249 clams. Recommended.