Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
Hello Guido,

The NWO-M has the AK4399 DACs working in an unusual configuration resulting in different level of performance.

The balanced transformer-coupled tube output stage has the following features:

1. Fully differential configuration
2. One triode per phase (hot/cold) on the signal path
3. No negative feedback
4. No solid state components on the signal path
5. Custom made Oxygen Free Copper output transformers by Lundahl, Sweden
6. Vintage E182CC tubes made in Holland
7. Because of the output transformer coupling, the user can enjoy exactly the same audio quality from XLR or RCA output depending on the preferred output configuration without any additional components on the signal path.
8. Filter-less design for linear phase in the hearing range.

Hope all is well!

Alex Peychev
Thank you Alex, info much appreciated. Undoubtedly, A comparative listening analysis of the two devices would make for a fascinating project.

You are welcome, Guido!

Absolutely; I am looking forward to that!

Best wishes,

Alex Peychev
We took delivery of the new K-03 and K-01 a little over 3 weeks ago. I believe we were one of the first if not the very first in the US to get them in.

As with the K-03, the K-01 has many digital filter and upconversion options which can be selected including defeating the digital filter and upconversion altogether. The player may also be used with it's built in volume control to drive the amplifiers directly. Each mode does require proper burn in before evaluation.

To date I have about 450 hours on the K-01 running nearly 24 hrs/day and it is breaking in nicely. While I will reserve comments and comparisons until I reach a point when I feel they are no longer improving, I will go on the record and state that this player is simply spectacular and has a sound quality that I have not experienced before from solid state digital.

Additionally, I have just begun listening with the G-0rb rubidium clock strapped on. Wow!! :)

Disclaimer: Esoteric dealer
Tony, you are causing me pangs of audiophilic anxiety mixed with generous amounts of neo-Freudian 'Esoteric envy'!

Can you already characterize any difference between K-01 against X-01 Limited and X-01 D2 (this last one on upsampling to DSD)?

And what about against P-03/D03 with same external clock?


Disclaimer: unabashed Esoteric fanboy.