Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
I have the NWO 4.0 M for a few months now and I can tell you that this is by far the State of the Art CD/SACD unit currently available .

The unit bests my Spectral SDR 4000 Pro and the EMM stack and the Playback design MSP 5 that I also use in other systems.

The NWO 4 M competes neck to neck with my best Vinyl system ( Saskia turntable + Talea arm + Dynavector vxs1T). It is that good.

Be careful as once you have heard it, you will want it.
Hi Alex,
Thank you for your informative response. I have a few follow up questions.

What is the accuracy of the clocking mechanism used in the NWO M?

Could you explain in layman terms why a more accurate clock (G-ORB) would not improve the sound of the NWO M (if it were designed to accept an external clock)? Clock use with single box CD/SACD players is a controversial subject. Your answer to this question would help my understanding of this important topic .

Finally, what is your opinion on use of an external clock with CD players like the Esoteric K-01? (in view of your professional relationship with Esoteric are you able to answer this question objectively?). There are widely varying opinions throughout Audogon on this subject. I think you are well respected and have a large following on this site. I am sure a lot of people would lke to hear your frank, candid opinion on external clock use (especially highly accurate atomic Rb clocks like the G-ORb) with single and seperate box cd players.

Thank you.
Hi Alex,
I have a few follow up questions:

What is the accuracy (in ppm) of the clock(s) used in the NWO M?

Can you explain in layman terms why a using a highly accurate external clock like a G-ORb would not improve the sound of the NWO M?

Use of an external clock in single box CD/SACD players is a highly controversial subject. You are well known and well respected on Audogon. I am sure a lot of people would like to know your thoughts on use of an external clock. What is your opinion of using an external clock with single box players like the Esoteric K-01? Does it improve single (and multiple) box players? Why or why not?

Thank you.
I have asked this same question a while back, owning an Esoteric Rubidium clock and also Apl-modded gear. Once I understood the different functions of a "clock", I see why the external clock, while nice to have, is nowhere near as critical as the internal clock.

I'm not an engineer, but Alex and others have explained to me that the external clock controls the Speed or precision of the clock frequency. The precision of the clock frequency has nothing to do with the jitter introduced to the DACs but with speed ONLY. In other words, if your external clock is at a lower frequency than that specified, the music will play at lower speed and vice versa. So the stability of the external clock has nothing to do with jitter. Alex said his clocking approach reduces jitter to a level that is unobtainable even with an atomic clock, unless it clocks the DAC chips directly which is impossible. Having the internal clock in close proximity to the DACs (a few inches) results in greatly reduced jitter, which is audible as a purer signal output. Consequently, as I discovered, trying to apply external clock measurements to an internal clock totally misses the point, because they are controlling different things. That is also why most good CD mods will always contain an upgraded internal clock.

Hopefully, I didn't just confuse you; an engineer or Alex could probably explain this more clearly, or not :-). The point is, with the NWO-M, my G-Os Rubidium clock becomes totally extraneous for this system.
Based on your explanation, use of an external clock does not reduce jitter in a single box player. It should not improve the sound. It appears, an external clock could increase the noise floor and have an adverse effect on the sound.

Your comment, based on Alex's explanation, indicates that we are being misled by companies like Esoteric and DCS, and reviewers like Robert Harley who claim highly accurate external clocks reduce jitter and improve sound.

I would like to hear from Alex (and anyone else who cares to comment) on these questions/issues).

What are you doing with your G-orb?