Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
Dear Matjet, I own the current top of the line:
> Omega 2 MkII headphone (referred as SR-007A), retailing for 1500-2000USD I think.
> SRM-727A amplifier, this is the solid state version which retails for about 1500USD (you'd need to check where you live, Stax is notoriously expensive outside of Japan). There is also a tube top end Stax amplifier (SRM-007t I think It's called), which is similar price to the SRM-727A but I prefer the former with my Omega 2.
> The prototype C32 headphone is going to be more expensive, probably in 4-6kUSD range which is getting seriously expensive for a headphone, but again will outperform 40kUSD speakers on several levels.

For the rest, I will post in the other thread...
Looking at a K-01 or a Luxman D-08. Tough to choose. Perhaps a Audio Note dac and transport combo?
Upgraded from SA-50 to K-03. Allowed CD player portion to burn-in for 30 days and it made a huge difference. Now burning-in the USB and Toslink stages.

Have compared single-ended to balanced XLR but cannot hear a differnece (AU-24e).

Could not afford the K-01 so did not audition.

The K-03 is one heavy S.O.B. You will not feel cheated.