Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
I just got my K01 and had the opportunity to compare with a K03 and my previous XO3SE. Even out of the box before I play my Isotek CD for a few days to do some breaking of the is clear and hands down that the K01 is the best player of the group in so many areas. Interestingly the K03 was not as open and warm as my X03SE which came second during my blind test at home with a couple of audiophiles. I was quite impressed to see how good of a player is the X03SE...I will keep it for my second system. True HiFi has a price...the K01 is a clear example. Try it at your local will then believe my words...hopefully you can compare the player with any other unit that they may have. I can easily predict which one you will pick.
Are you saying the K01 is a nice warmish player (on redbook)?
Have you tried it on some poorly mastered CDs?
Did anybody tried the digital volume control on k-01 or k-03 running directly to the amplifier, it is intersting how does it compare with pre-ampifer in place. Thanks you.
I would like to attempt to answer the question posted by Rgs92. I believe that a good audio component should not only be transparent and accurate but also capable of providing a complete representation of the music recorded (redbook or SACD); so we will be provided with a "warm" sound which is different from "coloration". The K03 fails to achieve that while the X03SE does it but not as detailed as the K01. If you do a blind test to remove as much bias as possible (that you may have acquired based on previous impressions or because you like some line of products) and compare these 3 players while listening Ana Caram (Rio after Dark Album - 4th track) you very likely agree and understand my statement. Poorly mastered CD's sound like they are: " poor", not improved. Tks. Cat007
Hey Cat007, thanks for that very insightful answer that really answered my question well. Good writing! Best to you.