Thanks alot guys for all the value info on breaking in the K-01. Will look into obtaining the esoteric break in disc.
On G0 rb clock benefits, sharing the below clock specs i read about when i was reading about the K-01.
Esoteric D-01/D-03: ±3ppm
Esoteric D-02/K-01/K-03: ±0.5ppm
Esoteric G-03X: ±0.1ppm
Antelope OCX: ±0.02ppm
Antelope Isochrone Trinity: ±0.001ppm
Esoteric G-0Rb: ±0.00005ppm
Antelope Isochrone 10M: ±0.00003ppm
Basis specs, that should explain why adding a more superior clock to the K-01 will hear some improvement.
In reality, one needs to hear for themselves if the improvement justify the cost for the clock.