Ancient audio Lector Prime cd player

This weekend I have heard finally this awesome analog sounding cd player.Does anyone heard this machine or other Ancient audio cdp?Did anyone had chance to compare it with Ayon 5,AMR or Reimyo?Now I have Meridian 808.3 and Lector was more involving and emotion bringer,Meridian was more neutral and faster.
I visited Jarek in Krakow and heard the Lektor Prime and the less expensive Lektor V. There was no comparison between the two. I bought a Lektor Prime two and a half years ago and have been very happy. I have not heard the Lektor Grand SE or his new Lektor Air. Most recently, Jarek built for me a 300b amplifier to match the CDP. Jarek makes great electronics . . . and they look great, too.
I have the Lektor V in my second system for about one and a half years. If I needed to describe it in a few words: lively, joyful and very involving indeed; a fleet-footed dancer, but one with a sense of drama and the ability to hit hard when the music dictates it. Volume control in the analog domain and a pair of analog rca inputs also make it a quite exquisite preamp for a small system. One point of criticism: I have seen better build quality. For sheer musical pleasure, it clearly held the comparably priced Ayon CD2 that I had also tried at a distance.
So much for the little brother.
As Gsm18439 pointed out, the Prime is in a different league altogether, but at the time I bought my Lektor V, the Prime would have broken the bank. Over the coming holidays however, I will have the opportunity to audition a Prime at home (figures have not been mentioned yet, but the dealer has been whetting my thirst with indications of a "good deal" on an upgrade). I'll loop it into the first system as well and see whether it can scare the AMR CD-77, then.
The build quality on the Lektor Prime is excellent. Karelfd is correct in his comments about its functionality. The ability to control everything using a single remote is great. One thing is strange; the volume control is only via the remote.