warm digital cable

Im searching for a warm digital cable. Any sugestion for 400$ or less?
I was looking for non-bright sounding digital cable. Bought Blackcat Veloce based on reviews. It did not dissapoint. Veloce is a very quiet cable. Excellent detail and dynamics. My only dislike is it sounds a bit thin in the midrange. So Iam looking to try out Acoustic Zen MC2 - hope it is not bright as it is silver based.
I purchased two Veloce cables and they are excellent. I then bought a Sterolab XV-Ultra which is even better. However, the best sp/pdif cable I have ever used is from WyWires. Very natrual sounding, dead quiet background, three dimensional imaging, cavernous soudstage. All this goodness starts at $200. Alex Sventitsky of WyWires is a pleasure to do business with and provides service second to none!
i use the original illuminati cable. my taste runs roward the classic tube sound. i also find the hdmi by harmonic technology on the warm side as an interface between the ps audio perfect wave transport and dac.

the idea of warmth needs to be specified.

here is my concept:

slightly attenuated highs, with a sloght boost in the upper bass, and somewhat defocused so that poor recordings become listenable.

in otherwords, i consider warmth a coloration.
"warm digital cable" ???
come on... you are talking about digital cable - it sends 1 and 0, how can you make it cold, warm or hot ???
is it same as you change SATA hard disk cable and the bytes become warm???
Hakuchosan, your point at first glance seems logical since computer cables send ones and zeroes successfully without error, but with digital audio signals unfortunately things are not that simple...

For a DAC to properly recreate an analog waveform from a digital signal it is not only the ones and zeroes that matter, but the timing of the signal as well as the accuracy of digital level transitions are critical. Jitter is a very well documented problem in digital signal transmission, and high levels often result in a harsh and unnatural sounding analog signal after digital to analog conversion. A lack of such harshness is often characterized as having a 'warm' sound.

So digital cables can significantly affect the overall balance of a system's sound, and warmth is one aspect of the sound that is typically impacted the most.