Apple Airplay Sound Quality

What is the potential for sound quality via Airplay? Is this essential WiFi? Or Bluetooth? What technology is being used and what are the limitations? I've reviewed all the material I can find and don't see that information (in my own non-technical language, anyway).
Airport Express is CD quality - 16 bits of and 44.1KHZ

Of course you need to CD quality (lossless) files in order to get the full benefit of CD quality.
Single hangup with the AE is HUGE jitter. Some DACs, my 840c among them, simply do not like this amount of jitter, and have audible problems.
Sterophile had reviewed the first iteration of the AE and found its analog output to be somewhat lacking but as a transport, it achieved reasonable performance.

I am somewhat surprised to hear about the jitter issue via the optical output as mine works perfectly fine as did Stereophile's test unit.

It does play CD quality recordings without any issues but I will give a quick experiment this evening to see if it will do anything higher out of the optical output.
The results of the quick test I took was as follows.

I sent a 24/96 file via Airplay to my receiver with integrated DAC, an HK 3490. The end result was the display stated the signal was 44.1Khz PCM. I can only assume that there is some down sampling during the process, but I do not know exactly where.

I will prepare some more testing to gain more clarity on the matter but I would not be surprised if what I found was additionally confirmed.