Blue Moon Award for Burson Audio's new DAC/Preamp

Interesting review just publised by 6moons.

Srajan rated this new DAC/Preamp/Headphone amp higher than some of the industry heavy weights. He liked it more than the Weiss Dac. And given the price difference he awarded it the Blue Moon. Has anyone tried it yet?
Just ordered mine last night. I had a Weiss Minerva for a while, so it will be interesting to see if I agree with S.E.'s opinion. I spoke with the dealer about the 24/96 issue the S.E. spoke of. He said Burson was notified of this issue a while back and he assured me mine would be the latest up-to-date model. It worries me slightly that Jmdesignz2 received his the other day and he had the same problem. We shall see.....
Still waiting for Sound Earphones to send me the replacement Burson HA-160D.

I am very eager to hear the high resolution files in 24/96 but the flawed USB receiver will not allow any higher bit rates.

Sound via the coaxial input is very dynamic - clean and musical.
LMAO...I agree, reading 6moons is like reading a script from college, can't wait for the summary to tell me what the bottom line is...