Please help diagnose/fix CD problem

Although certainly not high end, this TEAC PD-D2200 CD changer/player has performed flawlessly for years with my Crown pre amp/power amp and pair of Klipsch K-Horns. Now, sudden stop of player. Have opened it and checked all connections and functions. The changer deck operates properly, all front side readouts are working, and the unit reponds to all commands but, when the CD reaches the laser deck, that device will lift it as if to play - but does not spin the CD.

Is there an internal component to isolate for adjustment or replacement?, or any other simple suggestions to save this unit? I have a good tech mind and lot of common sense, but am not an elect tech and do not go deep with electronics. Any help will REALLY be appreciated.

If you think this unit may be beyond help, which good quality for the $$ single CD player do you recommend.
I am only guessing at this. You say the cd fails to spin. Sounds like a motor that spins the cd has burned out? I would say once that happens its time to replace this unit. You could play with it but I had this happen and usually the unit is ready for the trash heep.
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Time to dump, and use the opportunity to buy a Sony refurb 595 for $60 from SonyStyle.