Cambridge 840C DACs vs. Wyred vs. Eastern Electric

Anyone compare the DACs in the 840C to the either of the Wyred DAC 1 or 2, or the Eastern Electric DAC? I havent been using the CDP in the 840C, mostly only using it as a DAC for my Wadia Ipod doc. I enjoy the sound, however I am curious about some of these newer DAC's.

Any info is appreciated.
Thanks for the feedback. I forgot to include the Benchmark DAC in my list above, so any other comparisons of the DAC's mentioned is appreciated.
I tried a Benchmark HDR, but preferred the 840C, mainly for the fuller midbass (cellos and basses). To be honest, I didn't put many hours on it, so someone could always say I didn't break it in, but it was pretty clear that the midbass wasn't magically going to fill in with practice.

I tried it going directly into both my BAT VK-250 and Bryston 3B-SST, and also into my BAT 3iX pre-amp in fixed mode. The midrange of the Benchmark was excellent, though; very pure, like a good MM cartridge. And the highs were more extended. Really a very fine and flexible product if you prefer a relatively leaner sound. By the way, they are now shipping a much nicer remotes than the one you see on the web.
Compared the EE DAC and the 840C extensively for over a month. The 840C has more gusto, a bit more robust & dynamic. The EE Dac captures a bit more ambiance of the recording with a good tube installed. In SS mode it does not compare with the 840C but that could change withe OpAmp rolling.
Just my 2 cents but if you are willing to spill a little more bucks, for $1,150 the Anedio D1 is worth looking into. There is a review over head-fi wherein this dac was compared to a few others including some costing more and come out ahead.
I had the 840c for a couple of years befor replacing it with the Touch/EE Dac combo.I have to say the 840c doesnt come even close to the performance of the Touch/EE Dac combo.