System 1 - Shindo Masseto, Luxman MQ-88, DeVore Fidelity Silverbacks. System 2 - Leben RX28-CX, Accuphase P-3000, Sonus Faber Guarneri Mementos, Rel R-305. System 3 - ARC Ref 3, Anthem Statement A5, Verity Fidelio Encores, Rel B-2.
In these systems and to my ears, the Ayre always seemed to have more detail, a better soundstage, more air around the instruments, and the most realistic instrument timbres, particularly for piano, the violin family, viola da gamba, guitar, and saxaphone.
In my 4th system (Quicksilver linestage, Bedini 25/25, Omega Super 8 Alnico XRS), my A/B between the MCD500 and SA11S2 was dead even.
I listen mostly to classical (all types), jazz, blues, folk, and many types of vocals.
In these systems and to my ears, the Ayre always seemed to have more detail, a better soundstage, more air around the instruments, and the most realistic instrument timbres, particularly for piano, the violin family, viola da gamba, guitar, and saxaphone.
In my 4th system (Quicksilver linestage, Bedini 25/25, Omega Super 8 Alnico XRS), my A/B between the MCD500 and SA11S2 was dead even.
I listen mostly to classical (all types), jazz, blues, folk, and many types of vocals.