The Ultimate SACD Machine

I'm considering getting an SACD player again. I have a number of SACDs but abandoned the format a couple years ago in favor of vinyl.

I am considering mainly the EMM Labs CDSAse or a Marantz SA11S2 or SA7.

Critical information:

- I'm concerned really only with jazz. 40s-60s jazz. (All the new titles on the format has me interested again.)

- As per above, my priorities are truth in timbre and tone and total lack of HF grain or glare. "Analog-like" may have become a cliche but it's what I'm after: though vinyl as a medium is shirley flawed (yes, I meant to call you Shirley), for me it has always given the best sound - meaning the most natural, realistic, and fatigue-free sound.

I expect that the EMM Labs machine has a gap over the Marantz in these qualities. It should, for the price. How large is the gap, for those who have heard both extensively?

Is there another machine I should consider? ($5K used would be absolute top budget and a bit of a stretch.)
Tvad it's just that the linked review literally didn't talk about SACD performance at all. As I stated I am not looking for a player for RB. I only have time to read the posts that tell me exactly what I'm interested in. Also, you know I hate silver gear. I can't even keep silver gear for three months.

Tmsorosk, I don't read this forum much (until very recently) so I didn't realize that. I was just posted a thought lingering in my head as I listened.

I love you both.
I smell a battle brewing.

I'm going to don my Vinyl Propeller Beanie and matching bow tie. Be back soon.
Your leaving yourself wide open , mentioning a propeller beanie with this crowd . Your braver than I Paulfolbrecht .
Tmsorosk, the beanie joke was my response to the 'nerd' comment.

Now I wish I had one though.

XRCDs are great.
Paul ... I have two , would you like one ? I will have to find it later , I'm going over to the analog site now to tell them how much better my digital rig sounds . Just kidding .