The Ultimate SACD Machine

I'm considering getting an SACD player again. I have a number of SACDs but abandoned the format a couple years ago in favor of vinyl.

I am considering mainly the EMM Labs CDSAse or a Marantz SA11S2 or SA7.

Critical information:

- I'm concerned really only with jazz. 40s-60s jazz. (All the new titles on the format has me interested again.)

- As per above, my priorities are truth in timbre and tone and total lack of HF grain or glare. "Analog-like" may have become a cliche but it's what I'm after: though vinyl as a medium is shirley flawed (yes, I meant to call you Shirley), for me it has always given the best sound - meaning the most natural, realistic, and fatigue-free sound.

I expect that the EMM Labs machine has a gap over the Marantz in these qualities. It should, for the price. How large is the gap, for those who have heard both extensively?

Is there another machine I should consider? ($5K used would be absolute top budget and a bit of a stretch.)
Tmsorosk, the beanie joke was my response to the 'nerd' comment.

Now I wish I had one though.

XRCDs are great.
Paul ... I have two , would you like one ? I will have to find it later , I'm going over to the analog site now to tell them how much better my digital rig sounds . Just kidding .
Paul - I just posted this comment on another thread "to SACD or not" but I will repeat it here.
Crawl over broken glass to get hold of a Sony XA5400ES SACD and then have it upgraded by Modwright. Read all the reviews on here and on the Modwright site. Buy for about $1100 and upgrade for $2000 - suggested to be the best SACD/CD under $20,000. I love mine - it has taken several months to break in and just keeps getting better. It blew away my Musical Fidelity kw SACD which (when it works) is reviewed as very good.
This would be the best investment you could make - top dollar will not beat this unit - it sings
Peter from Perth in Western Australia
Yes I am a long way off - I research Audiogon and over forums very carefully before I buy unheard. Love the Sony !

I bought mine from American Theatre and they were true to their word. because I was so far off I did not get the chance to hear it before it was modded. You can. For about $1100 you can hear it and see if you like it (very little risk - you could sell it again easily).
Then DO send it to Modwright. Their work is outstanding, and their service is terrific. They kept me informed all during the wait list and sent it smoothly around the world.
Try the Sony
hi paul:

you commented in another thread about the sony 5400 and that in audio there is no "best" anything.

thus, i suggest you listen to as many as possible. you might want to include the ayre, although it exceeds your price point at retail price. i'm not sure about its price used.
I have a Luxman D06, great machine, detailed but sweet, natural sound (not clinical, not hyper-analitic but not warm at all...neutral and uncoloured with no harshness or edges in the high frequencies), it allows to chose DSD or PCM for the SACDs (many SACD, recorded in PCM, sound better in PCM), it has coaxial and optical digital inputs to be used as an external DAC.

I bought D06 to match with Luxman 509u amp and found one of the best (complete, neutral, musical) digital sources in its price range (5/6k), someone say it is better than equal or most priced Accuphase players; there are two nice reviews on the net.