Esoteric Digital Separates

Happy Holidays!

I've been giving some thought to my digital front end and am wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to compare any of the Esoteric single box players with their two box separates. I'm currently using an X-03SE which I love--great sonics and build quality--and am wondering what happens when you go to separates like the P05/D05 or P03/D03 combination. I don't want a change in sound character just more and better of what I'm getting with the X-03SE.

Thanks and enjoy.
I did not have a ground loop present as I had an electric put in an over-built 10-gauge 20-amp circuit with Oyaide cryo'ed R1 outlets, oxygen free high quality copper custom-pulled and had him rearrange my entire panel in the house to balance it and ensure that the circuit was the first off the main and on a leg that had no high-power devices (heat pump, kitchen, washer, dryer, etc...) on it. I utilize the Ground Zero simply to give a common ground reference beyond what the circuit already does and to drop the noise floor further (which it does). I have the freedom to arrange the components into groups and use the Lo-Med-High switches to find the optimum permutation that brings the best results for my system. For EMI/RFI filtering I utilize Tara AD/6C units with great results. Both of these offerings provide the right levels of what I am looking for in each respective area at a low price point.

I have been through several different configs over the years and have utilized MUCH more expensive power cords (Shunyata Anaconda VX in later configs followed by Tara The One PCs) together with Shunyata Hydra8's and later Furman Reference 20i and Exactpower 15A (separate configs). I found that for my tastes, all these units, power cords and configs brought obvious benefits but also injected their own sonic personalities into the equation. I have found (IMHO) that s more simple config with basic grounding, a great dedicated circuit & outlets and straightforward EMI/RFI filtering gives me what I am looking for without any injected personality of the power cord or power device influencing what I hear. Perhaps I left a 'better' solution behind in some of the higher-end gear that I had for power however to be honest, I do not miss it all.

I've read up on the Tripoint Troy on their website and the info that they give as to whether it is a solely a grounding device or it has EMI/RFI filtering personality.
Thanks for the info Zephyr. As power conditioner I already use the Powercell 10 SE and it works fine. Im happy with it. I may try out the Granite star ground though. I was looking for something like that. Do You know if they ship oversees? You define it as having a good and material impact right?
I'm not sure about overseas from Granite but I cannot see how they wouldn't. I got mine through Mark at Music Direct; I believe they will ship overseas but you'll want to check with Mark S. there on it. He can also tell you A LOT about the me and I'll give you his contact info.
Hey guys I have been reading your comments and just want to say I have the Power Cell 10SE and the Tripoint Troy and I believe for my system anyway, they work wonderfully together!I have dedicated outlets. Shieleded AC wiring leading up to Maestro outlets. I have a dedicated 9 foot ground rod for the outlets.I use all purist audio Dominus power cables,interconects,and speaker cables.The Troy is hard to describe as far as improvements are concerned. All I can say is that I heard it demoed and that was it. I saw how it maximized the musicallity and that was all she wrote!If I had to sell off most of my equiptment the Troy would have to stay for fear of not being able to replace it. All the other items can be replaced eventually.At one time people thought that cables were too expensive. Now I realize there is no substitute for quality cabling. Well before I heard what the Troy gets RID of ,I didn not know that there was so much noise, grundge,hash,electronic smear until it was gone. Quite honestly I am surprised no one has addressed this problem before! Hope this helps! Happy New Year!
Nice system and room looks great booboobaer. I see you have focals. Thats the only major upgrade i would consider if I build a bigger room. Not the Grande, which are fantastic but too.... Grande in all senses, but the next model that came out this year. Still that is a long shot and only a thought.

For what people say theTroy has to work great. But at 12K grand, i think is too much. Moreover considering Im overseas and would have to buy blind. Also info on their web is almost non existing... There are solutions out there costing a fraction. Like the granite for 600. Even assuming they do, say, half the performance of the Troy, it may be a better option for me to exploRe and take the risk of buying blind. Being the Troy what it is, just cant imagine whats in there that justifies a 12 k mark, regardless of the results it yields, which Im not questioning at all. Also seems it was 8k last year, which is already a lot. A 50% price increase overyear? Like if things were booming... Talk about deflaction.