Esoteric Digital Separates

Happy Holidays!

I've been giving some thought to my digital front end and am wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to compare any of the Esoteric single box players with their two box separates. I'm currently using an X-03SE which I love--great sonics and build quality--and am wondering what happens when you go to separates like the P05/D05 or P03/D03 combination. I don't want a change in sound character just more and better of what I'm getting with the X-03SE.

Thanks and enjoy.
With the K-01 out now I can't help but think there is a revision/upgrade coming to the P-03/D-03 combo as well. Like the OP and owning the X-01 limited I'm all set to move up to the P-03/D-03 but have decided to wait and see.
Here is a slight variant of the question asked by the OP. Has anyone compared substituting an Esoteric transport one or two grades below a given Esoteric DAC? For example, pairing a P-05 with a D-03. Reason I ask is that I often hear that transport quality becomes less critical as the quality of the DAC (and the transport, for that matter) increases. The quality level of even the least of the Esoteric separates is pretty high.
Hall, I fully agree. I think if I had to buy today a P03 / D03, I would be in serious doubts. Chances you will see something coming in, in that sense are high. Not so much I revision I would think, but a whole new system, with more inputs on the DAC. Similar to what they have done with the X01; after 3 revisions/upgrades, seems like the K01 is a totally new set.

Wouldn't be so concern, frankly. regarding the new combo being that superior to the existing in absolute sound performance, since current is already excellent, but it will probably have more flexibility input wise, and be ready for accepting hard drives, servers and the like. I would love to see it capable of doing streaming like the Linn DS or the Squeezbox systems, with an ethernet.

But I don't think there is a way to find out. Dealers would not have a clue, most likely. And in the other hand, the D01 P01 is a much older model and is still around. So what to do in your case is a tough call. Don't know if someone has some info in this respect that can be of help for your situation.

Dougmc, I would not do that. I think the transport is key to good quality. At least as important as DAC. Extracting well and accurate I think is key. Also bear in mind that it is the P03 the one that up samples. The D03 can accept all kind of samples, but has not the capability of up sampling itself.

I would buy DAC and transport that are of equal quality and balanced among them, whatever that is.

Having said that, I have not heard the D03 with the P05, so if you have a chance listen to them.