Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player

Seem like this format days are numbered like the cassette and LP. Why would you want to spend 5k or 10k+ for a high-end CD player or DAC combo??

Just trying to see what other audiophile’s thoughts are and where you guys & gals may be planing for the future. Do you stop here at the high end CD player and this format or go completely too digital files?

I'm at a quandary about investing into an expensive CD player setup.
A couple observations on the comments above:
1. I don't understand why anyone would buy a music server when you can buy a mac mini and external hard drive with virtually unlimited storage capability for a fraction of the costs.
2, Computer based source doesn't mean that you have to buy your music online. It just means that you rip your cd's to the computer. The only music I buy online are the few songs here and there that my wife ask for. I haven't "bought" into the high rez downloads yet so i just stick with red book... at least for now.
3. The high end CD player won't go away, but, they will have a digital input.
4. I love my computer based source and the capability of controlling it with my Iphone is shear joy.

Having said all this, it's been my experience that computer based sources are a long way off from outperforming transport/cd players. If you can only listen to the highest quality in digital playback, then you need a transport whether separate or a one box solution.
The record companies would rather you purchase the music online.I think they could profit a lot more by not making CD's,getting stores to sell it,and the list can go on and on,by eliminating anything that will take away from their new,direct profit.
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I started a (heated) thread about this very issue not long ago. Apparently so heated that Audiogon pulled it after a few days. In that thread, I stated that the cd player is dead. I have my thoughts on why people won't embrace the demise of the compact disc and I won't go into that here, however Elizabeth made a good point. "....the outlook for cd playback may seem gloomy, but it will not die either. Way too many cds out there." Yes, people with a big cd collection may not want to burn all those albums for a number of reasons. Also, people seem to think that a hard drive/DAC combo will always sound inferior to a standalone CDP. For the life of me, I don't understand how that could be. If PettyOfficer chimes in, this thread will get VERY funny.