Why do I always like a source with Burr Brown DAC?

I have always been pretty finicky about picking up the source component. Like most audiophiles I ask for everything from detail, dynamics, transparency, PRAT etc..but most importantly I look for accurate tonality. It is pretty surprising that while many CD players try to sound like analog and many others try to sound nice and romantic....basically there are many CDPs designed and aimed to sound nice to the ears, however most of them try to achieve it by trying to sound rich, sometimes rolled off, sometimes too warm etc. Very few retain the tonality intact and almost every time I notice them instantly and develop a liking for them pretty soon. Interestingly almost every time I have liked a source for its accurate tonality it has turned out that it contains one or the other version of Burr Brown DACs. I dont know what they do but somehow they always sound "right" tonally. I know a DAC contains many other stages which can affect the sound but as a non-techie all I can do is relate to this as a pattern.

I would like to know from you guys, if any of you have any opinion on Burr Brown DACs Vs other DACs ?

There is also this debate on Multibit Vs Delta-Sigma DACs which I would like to understand.
Jax2, could you please mention which are the two DACs you use with 1704 chips ?
Jax2, could you please mention which are the two DACs you use with 1704 chips ?

In my main system I use a DAC built by Alex Dondysh of 3D-Audio (no longer DBA). He has not built many DACs on this board AFAIK, but it is called a DAC24. It is integrated into a dual-box Modwright 36.5 DM preamp and is a rather unique piece that Dan showed in the CA show last year. I believe Dan and Alex will be collaborating in the future.

The DAC in my office system is an Audio GD Reference 8 that uses 8 PCM 1704 chips in balanced. Kingwa was near the end of his supply of PCM1704 chips and there was some question as to whether and when he may be getting more in. He built his reputation on the DACs he designed using that chip, so I can't imagine that he'll not try to get more to build with. The drawback of the REF 7 & 8 are that they are quite large and heavy using substantial power supplies.

With both these DACs, and the strength I see in the 1704 chip when well done (and both these designs use them very well), is that they are tremendously revealing of detail and nuance while remaining entirely natural and musical. It seems to me that the trend with at least some DACs I've heard is to be ruthlessly revealing at the expense of musicality, which is not my favorite flavor. There are plenty of other designers who use that chip very well. With the takeover of delta-sigma technology I wonder how long TI will continue to produce the PCM1704. I know Kingwa was facing a minimum order of about 2000, and they are pretty expensive chips. Perhaps Alex P could chime in on that?
The CDPs that I have heard with BB chips are Bluenote Stibbert, Ayon CD2s, Audio Space (forgot the model number), Assemblage (Sonic Frontier), AMR CD77 (TD1541A) and a few more which I will have to recollect.

The typical delta sigma based CDPs I have encountered are the Rega, Arcam, Accuphase, Lampizator Level4 (AKM chip), Chord 64, Higher end Denon, Marantz SA11s1.

Perhaps Alex P could chime in on that?

TI site shows "production active" on both PCM1702 and PCM1704 DACs.

I am sorry to disappoint all mulitbit DAC lovers here but my opinion is different. I went through PCM56, PCM63, TDA1541, TDA1543, Ultra-Analog hybrid modules, PCM1702 and PCM1704 DACs. None of these satisfied my ear, regardless of the implementation. Please don't get me wrong; as we all know, it is possible designing very nice sounding audio gear with all of the above mentioned DACs. IME, it is actually much easier obtaining a nice rich sound with these DACs; maybe this is the reason why people like such designs so much.

IMO again, although nice sounding, none of the multibit DACs I’ve heard is capable of realistic top-end extension and air that is comparable to SOTA vinyl (for example). The other thing is that, to my ear, all PCM1702 and PCM1704 have this unnatural upper-midrange and top-end presentation that I can classify as "mechanical". Maybe people can’t hear it (or does not bother their ears), but to me this is an extremely annoying artifact.

Alex Peychev
Isnt Analog Device AD1865 also a multibit DAC ?

Alex, when I say I like the Burr Brown sound, I did not mean I liked only the 1704/1702 multibit DACs, I also like the 173X and 179X based DACs and CDPs. Typically Burr Brown has a tonality and that is what I always found most accurate...I agree there could be issues with Dynamic Range, Extension and other such specs but tonally they are so correct.