AudioQuest SKY revisit

I wonder how this cable compares with the latest?
I have owned them many years ago but have since moved on to many other brands. Now, I am using JPS superconductor 3. Lately, a pair of SKY came up again and I took it for a try. Guess what? I fell in love again! Musically, It is head and shoulder better then the SC3. Timing and coherence all through the frequencies is perfectly done and I can't stop my toe tapping. The JPS sounded slow and the music is disjointed by comparison. Yet, in HIFI terms, the JPS has that 'close up' feel and the instruments sounds just like they are in your room! the SKY sounded just a hair muted in terms of dynamics and realism.
I wonder if there is one cable that can do both for me!!
I just got my first set of AQ cables over my MIT's (top of the line stuff) and the Lapis XLR are the best I've had in my system. I'll be upgrading to the Castle Rock speaker cables from my MIT MH 770 CVT pretty soon too. Still love the MIT and you may also. It does do all these things properly, however since Vandy uses AQ cables, I think it makes sense for me. Anyone want MIT shotgun or the 8' 770's,lol. just let me know.
Congrats on the SKY.
Seriously considering Sky as well. Any experiences comparing the to Nordost? I have all Frey 2 IC's and Speaker cables. Thanks
You just can't go wrong with any of the AQ cables. They have been the most neutral ones I've found all along the line. The higher up you go, the better you will get. The sound floor is just quiet. I have the XLR Niagara as that was the best price point for me and I'm so happy. I have a ton of the top of the line MIT cables that are still awesome, but the AQ's are unreal. I've heard the Nordost and it's hard to say which is better side by side as the systems are different and the rooms are different, but I've heard AQ vs Nordost at a dealer who sells both (not the Sky's though). I felt that AQ was much more neutral and just sounded more 'right' and musical. It was a very very revealing system that I heard them with and a more neutral cable just made more sense to me.