best transport?

I'm going to buy a TeddyDac (heard one and loved it's analog sound) but would require a transport. Recommendations most appreciated.
you will need to experiment, becuase dacs are often transport sensitive. you won't have an answer until you have tried several.

for example, my favorite transport is the digital out of the vincent cd-s6--a phillips mechanism.

i could not predict the outcome of combining it with your dac.

i assume when you say "best", you mean, "favorite", re your preferences based upon your (idiosyncratic) criterion of excellence of sound quality.
I used a Weiss DAC2 for a year with a 47Labs 4716 transport. To my ear they worked beautifully together and soon I was dreaming of upgrading the transport to the 4713 Flatfish(only $25k cheaper than the top of the line $30k PiTracer, anybody). However I began to notice a definite division in my CD collection. I found that there were those that performed sublimely well and those that fell well short. Too many fell short of the sound I was looking for. So I ultimately got rid of both and instead went for an ARC CD5 which allows a good many more of my collection to sound good or even great. But in all honesty I have to admit the best ones don't sound as good as the Weiss/47Labs combo.
A computer such as a Mac Mini. You will see numerous articles and comments about a computer-based system besting megabucks transports. And then there is the convenience factor.