Headphone opinion

What would be the five best over the ear headphones compatible with an ipod/iphone?
My favorite is the Sennheiser HD-I-II. I have not found anything better. Easy to drive. Extremely dynamic (up to 120 dB SPL). Precise sound with tight accurate bass. Great external noise reduction (-17 dB). Extremely comfortable and light weight and will not slip off.

Caveat - this is a pro headphone. You need to like precise sound rather than boom boom tizz.
Sorry the above should read Sennheiser HD 25 I-II. This headphone has been a choice of pros for the last 20 years.
Beyer's new T5 is designed to be optimized for portable audio. I have not heard them, but have heard the model they are based upon, the T1, which they reportedly share some qualities with. If that's true, they are certainly worth taking a listen to, given your question.